Right-Of-Way Air Injection Nozzle - Boom85TD-RS
Part Numbers

Right-Of-Way Air Injection Nozzle - Boom85TD-RS
Flow rate is equivalent to the Boominator 2650RS or BoomBuster 265-R (8.5 gpm @ 40 psi).
Boomless nozzles are more practical for right-of-way applications but come with inherent challenges. Spraying a 16’ swath with a single nozzle often leads to excessive drift (off target movement). The Boom85TD-RS is an air-injection nozzle which uses the Venturi principle to create a larger, more drift-resistant droplet. Another issue with most boomless nozzles is that the pattern distribution can be uneven or irregular, often with heavy areas on the edges of the spray pattern, or even in the middle of the pattern. The Boom85TD-RS air injection mixing chamber helps distribute a more uniform spray across the width of the pattern.