SoftDrop for PWM Systems - SD

SoftDrop Ultra Coarse Nozzles for PWM Systems - SD
The SoftDrop nozzle is a non-air inducted spray nozzle designed to produce Extremely Coarse and Ultra Coarse droplets for maximum drift control with dicamba, 2,4-D, glyphosate, and other systemic products applied by PWM equipped spray rigs. The SoftDrop is also excellent for liquid fertilizers and mixtures of liquid fertilizers and systemic herbicides. This nozzle can also be used without a PWM system, and will function well as a conventional nozzle that can produce an Extremely Coarse to Ultra Coarse droplet spectrum.
Approved nozzles, pressures, and application rates change often for auxin herbicides. For updates on Greenleaf Technologies approved nozzles, please visit our website. All approved nozzles are listed on the herbicide manufacturer’s label. Be sure to read the application guidelines and know the laws in your state before spraying.
For more information about PWM spraying technology and what it has to offer to farmers, see the PWM Technology Overview.For help selecting the right nozzle type and size for your specific application, check out the PWM Nozzle Selection Guide.
The SoftDrop Nozzle from Greenleaf Technologies is the PWM nozzle
approved for use with Engenia® and Enlist® herbicides that connects directly to a standard nozzle body, no adapter needed.
More information on nozzles approved for Auxin Herbicides