Vineyard Applications

 Spray Nozzles for Vineyard Applications

TurboDrop® nozzles from Greenleaf Technologies have been used in  California vineyard spraying applications for more than ten years. In Europe,  where they were developed, TurboDrop® nozzles have been used to protect  grapes from pests for over twelve years. In fact, TurboDrop® nozzles are used  around the world in the widest variety of agricultural applications on every type  of spray equipment.

This is not just another drift control nozzle. Spray nozzles may be the most  important part of your spray equipment. The nozzles determine how your plant  protection products are delivered to the target. With its patented technology, including a built-in pulsation dampener and mixing chamber, our original TurboDrop® Venturi Nozzle is not only effective in reducing drift, it also puts more of the crop protection products where they need to be, with the optimal
droplet size to fit the application. The TurboDrop® nozzle produces larger airfilled droplets that spread out or explode on contact, to provide a unique combination of drift control and coverage. Furthermore, the TurboDrop® nozzle is modular, allowing the operator to change the spray pattern and droplet size simply by changing the pattern tip.

Air-Blast Spraying: Our TurboDrop® UIC (Universal Injector Ceramic) nozzle is used on air-blast sprayers at 100-400 psi for applying sulfur, fungicide, and insecticide. The UIC may be used with a hollow cone or flat fan pattern tip, depending on the density of the canopy. With TurboDrop® nozzles, the equipment stays cleaner and operator contamination is reduced. From a distance, the casual observer may not even realize that the operator is spraying,
due to the elimination of driftable fines and the lack of a spray “cloud” above the sprayer.

Strip Spraying: Between and beneath the rows, TurboDrop® nozzles are used to eliminate weeds that would otherwise compete with the vines. The standard TurboDrop® TDXL nozzle
produces a 110° tapered fan for overlapping sprays, while the TurboDrop® TDXLV Venturi is usually combined with a standard Off Center (OC) tip for directing the spray into the vine row. The AirMix® AM and AirMix® AMOC (Off Center) may also be used for strip spraying. Both the TurboDrop and AirMix® nozzle provide a more effective droplet spectrum, with maximum on-target performance.

Download the Air Blast Spraying Tabulation Chart