Calculations used to generate these charts are based on published and provided third-party data. Real world spray applications have multiple factors that can impact spray dynamics. Greenleaf Technologies is not liable for any misuse or misrepresentation of this information. For pulse width modulation use, required operating pressures will vary.
Input the Application Rate, Speed, and Nozzle Spacing to calculate the flow rate and see the nozzles that meet those flow rate requirements. Each colored square indicates a nozzle that will work for your requirements and shows the droplet spectrum that will be produced by that nozzle at that PSI. You can click on the droplet spectrum to see a traditional tabulation chart for that particular nozzle.
As droplet size increases, coverage and drift potential go down. Using DualFan nozzles with larger droplets can help balance the drift reduction of larger droplets with increased coverage of the spray pattern.
Application rate, usually determined by the label of the product you are applying and the amount of water used as a carrying agent.
Input the cruising speed that you will be at most of the time. Automatic rate adjustment systems will adjust the pressure of the boom depending on variations in speed.
The distance between nozzles on the spray rig.
Tip size, note that these are commonly listed as 02, 03, 04 instead of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, etc. The number is a description of the orifice size and flow rate. For example, an 04 nozzle flows 0.4 US gallons of water per minute (gpm) at 40 psi.
Economical drift control and wide pressure range used in all types of sprayers from broadcast to backpack. Fits standard caps.
Combination of drift control, coverage, and penetration for broadcast spraying. Larger sizes used in fertilizer applications.
DualFan pattern enhances coverage while maintaining great drift control. Alternate nozzle orientation on the boom to spray four times in one pass.
Maximum drift control for glyphosate and dicamba formulations requiring Very Coarse to Ultra Coarse droplets.
Enhanced coverage while maintaining maximum drift control with Very Coarse to Ultra Coarse droplets for glyphosate and dicamba formulations.
Input the Application Rate, Speed, and Nozzle Spacing to calculate the flow rate and see the nozzles that meet those flow rate requirements. Each colored square indicates a nozzle that will work for your requirements and shows the droplet spectrum that will be produced by that nozzle at that PSI. You can click on the droplet spectrum to see a traditional tabulation chart for that particular nozzle.
As droplet size increases, coverage and drift potential go down. Using DualFan nozzles with larger droplets can help balance the drift reduction of larger droplets with increased coverage of the spray pattern.
Application rate, usually determined by the label of the product you are applying and the amount of water used as a carrying agent.
Input the cruising speed that you will be at most of the time. Automatic rate adjustment systems will adjust the pressure of the boom depending on variations in speed.
The distance between nozzles on the spray rig.
Tip size, note that these are commonly listed as 02, 03, 04 instead of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, etc. The number is a description of the orifice size and flow rate. For example, an 04 nozzle flows 0.4 US gallons of water per minute (gpm) at 40 psi.
One piece tip cap combination conventional nozzle. Larger sizes work well for fertilizer applications. Can also be used with PWN system.
Conventional nozzle tip that fits in standard nozzle caps. It is used in DualFan caps and Beluga HoseDrops.
DualFan pattern and PWM ready. This nozzle works best in applications like fungicides and insecticides where coverage is the highest importance.
Conventional nozzle designed with PWM in mind. Provides maximum drift control in Very Coarse to Ultra Coarse droplets for glyphosate and dicamba formulations.
Select your PWM system based on the nozzle body solenoid used in your system. Input the Application Rate, Speed, Nozzle Spacing, and Duty Cycle to calculate the flow rate, and PWM system pressure drop to see the nozzles that meet those flow rate requirements. Each colored square indicates a nozzle that will work for your requirements and shows the droplet spectrum that will be produced by that nozzle at that Tip PSI. You can click on the droplet spectrum to see a PWM speed range chart for that particular nozzle.
As droplet size increases, coverage and drift potential go down. Using DualFan nozzles with larger droplets can help balance the drift reduction of larger droplets with increased coverage of the spray pattern.
Each system has different pressure drops from the Pump PSI to the Tip PSI for each nozzle size and pressure combination. We have used published data from the manufacturers to calculate these differences and give an approximation of the performance of our nozzles on these systems.
In many cases, the systems are listed by the nozzle solenoid manufacturer, and some of those systems are marketed under different names. For instance, the Case AimCommand FLEX II, New Holland/Miller Intelispray 2, and Raven Hawkeye II systems all use the same nozzle body solenoids. You should be able to identify the nozzle body solenoid by either the product label on the boom or by requesting that information from your spray rig's manufacturer.
Application rate, usually determined by the label of the product you are applying and the amount of water used as a carrying agent.
Input the cruising speed that you will be at most of the time. PWM systems will adjust the duty cycle of the solenoids depending on variations in speed.
The distance between nozzles on the spray rig.
The percentage of time that the nozzle is on. The default 75% duty cycle provides headroom for turn compensation at normal speeds where the turn radius is large. When the turn is tight, such as a field corner, you will need to slow down, and the extra headroom becomes available to compensate for the large differences in speed from one side of the boom to the other.
Note that these are commonly listed as 02, 03, 04 instead of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, etc. The number is a description of the orifice size and flow rate. For example, an 04 nozzle flows 0.4 US gallons of water per minute (gpm) at 40 psi.
The PSI shown on the gauge on the pump side of the system.
This is the PSI at the nozzle tip after passing through the restrictions of the solenoid and nozzle body.
DualFan spray pattern coupled with Medium to Coarse spray quality and low drift make this the most versatile nozzle for PWM applications.
Designed for PWM applications to provide the drift control and coverage balance broadcast spraying requires.
DualFan pattern and PWM ready. This nozzle works best in applications like fungicides and insecticides where coverage is of the highest importance.
One piece tip cap combination conventional nozzle. Larger sizes work well for fertilizer applications. Can also be used with a PWM system.
Conventional nozzle designed with PWM in mind. Provides maximum drift control in Very Coarse to Ultra Coarse droplets for glyphosate and dicamba formulations.
These charts show a speed range for operating a specific size nozzle at a given pressure. The percents across the top indicate Duty Cycle, and the numbers in the body of the chart indicate the speed in miles per hour.
The droplet data on the charts provided here reflect the adjusted droplet spectrum, based on calculated nozzle pressure, and not boom pressure.
If data on the chart is not shown, it means that the selected PWM system does not have published data for this pressure range, or that it is unable to overcome the loss in pressure from the solenoid to supply the required pressure to the nozzle.
The speed in mph is shown for each of the duty cycle columns. The 75% Duty Cycle is recommended and provides the headroom required for turn compensation.
As droplet size increases, coverage and drift potential go down. Using DualFan nozzles with larger droplets can help balance the drift reduction of larger droplets with increased coverage of the spray pattern.
Each system has different pressure drops from the Pump PSI to the Tip PSI for each nozzle size and pressure combination. We have used published data from the manufacturers to calculate these differences and give an approximation of the performance of our nozzles on these systems.
In many cases, the systems are listed by the nozzle solenoid manufacturer, and some of those systems are marketed under different names. For instance, the Case AimCommand FLEX II, New Holland/Miller Intelispray 2, and Raven Hawkeye II systems all use the same nozzle body solenoids. You should be able to identify the nozzle body solenoid by either the product label on the boom or by requesting that information from your spray rig's manufacturer.
Application rate, usually determined by the label of the product you are applying and the amount of water used as a carrying agent.
Input the cruising speed that you will be at most of the time. Automatic rate adjustment systems will adjust the pressure of the boom depending on variations in speed.
The distance between nozzles on the spray rig.
The percentage of time that the nozzle is on. The default 75% duty cycle provides headroom for turn compensation at normal speeds where the turn radius is large. When the turn is tight, such as a field corner, you will need to slow down, and the extra headroom becomes available to compensate for the large differences in speed from one side of the boom to the other.
Note that these are commonly listed as 02, 03, 04 instead of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, etc. The number is a description of the orifice size and flow rate. For example, an 04 nozzle flows 0.4 US gallons of water per minute (gpm) at 40 psi.
The PSI shown on the gauge on the pump side of the system.
This is the PSI at the nozzle tip after passing through the restrictions of the solenoid and nozzle body.
DualFan spray pattern coupled with Medium to Coarse spray quality and low drift make this the most versatile nozzle for PWM applications.
Designed for PWM applications to provide the drift control and coverage balance broadcast spraying requires.
DualFan pattern and PWM ready. This nozzle works best in applications like fungicides and insecticides where coverage is of the highest importance.
One piece tip cap combination conventional nozzle. Larger sizes work well for fertilizer applications. Can also be used with a PWM system.
Conventional nozzle designed with PWM in mind. Provides maximum drift control in Very Coarse to Ultra Coarse droplets for glyphosate and dicamba formulations.
To use a traditional tabulation chart note that on the left size is nozzle sizes and pressures and along the top is sprayer speed. The body of the table contains application rates in gallons per acre. Pick your speed from the numbers at the top of the chart, and look for your application rate in the columns, or as close as you can get to it.
As droplet size increases, coverage and drift potential go down. Using DualFan nozzles with larger droplets can help balance the drift reduction of larger droplets with increased coverage of the spray pattern.
Application rate, usually determined by the label of the product you are applying and the amount of water used as a carrying agent.
Input the cruising speed that you will be at most of the time. Automatic rate adjustment systems will adjust the pressure of the boom depending on variations in speed.
The distance between nozzles on the spray rig.
Note that these are commonly listed as 02, 03, 04 instead of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, etc. The number is a description of the orifice size and flow rate. For example, an 04 nozzle flows 0.4 US gallons of water per minute (gpm) at 40 psi.
One piece tip cap combination conventional nozzle. Larger sizes work well for fertilizer applications. Can also be used with a PWM system.
Conventional nozzle tip that fits in standard nozzle caps. It is used in DualFan caps and Beluga HoseDrops.
DualFan pattern and PWM ready. This nozzle works best in applications like fungicides and insecticides where coverage is of the highest importance.
Conventional nozzle designed with PWM in mind. Provides maximum drift control in Very Coarse to Ultra Coarse droplets for glyphosate and dicamba formulations.
To use a traditional tabulation chart note that on the left size is nozzle sizes and pressures and along the top is sprayer speed. The body of the table contains application rates in gallons per acre. Pick your speed from the numbers at the top of the chart, and look for your application rate in the columns, or as close as you can get to it.
As droplet size increases, coverage and drift potential go down. Using DualFan nozzles with larger droplets can help balance the drift reduction of larger droplets with increased coverage of the spray pattern.
Application rate, usually determined by the label of the product you are applying and the amount of water used as a carrying agent.
Input the cruising speed that you will be at most of the time. Automatic rate adjustment systems will adjust the pressure of the boom depending on variations in speed.
The distance between nozzles on the spray rig.
Note that these are commonly listed as 02, 03, 04 instead of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, etc. The number is a description of the orifice size and flow rate. For example, an 04 nozzle flows 0.4 US gallons of water per minute (gpm) at 40 psi.
Economical drift control and wide pressure range used in all types of sprayers from broadcast to backpack. Fits standard caps.
Combination of drift control, coverage, and penetration for broadcast spraying. Larger sizes used in fertilizer applications.
DualFan pattern enhances coverage while maintaining great drift control. Alternate nozzle orientation on the boom to spray four times in one pass.
Maximum drift control for glyphosate and dicamba formulations requiring Very Coarse to Ultra Coarse droplets.
Enhanced coverage while maintaining maximum drift control with Very Coarse to Ultra Coarse droplets for glyphosate and dicamba formulations.